Roteks!!! Ultimate Upgrade Stickers! High quality pre-cut gloss stickers featuring the metal-munching Roteks! Only available here. This fun kit includes stickers featuring a Rotek infestation for the vehicles affected in the fan-favourite episode.
- You get – 3 stickers for Jackhammer, 5 for Thunder Hawk, 4 for Rhino, 2 for Piranha, 2 for Firecracker and 1 for Condor. They are numbered with intended positions on the toys and instructions on this page (even if they are already sporting an Ultimate Upgrade!)

These stickers are commercially printed on the same high-quality sticker paper as all my other stickers and should last as long as the originals, and they won’t damage the toy if you decide to remove them later.
Buy this product in my online store
Please refresh this page to ensure you have the most up-to-date instructions!
I also (always) recommend tweezers for some of the tiny, fiddly stickers. If your toys are already sporting Ultimate Upgrade stickers then you have excellent taste and doubtless will have already cleaned them prior to adding those stickers. If not, try if possible to clean the areas where these ones will go.
Also, take your time! This is a fun hobby project for serious MASK fans!

I hope you like my Roteks!!! Ultimate Upgrade Stickers. Thanks for supporting my MASK art!
Do you have suggestions for other kits I should make?
I’d love to know what you think! You can contact me by email, my Riverglade.guru facebook page, or a MASK facebook group here if you have any questions or feedback.
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If you think my instructions look like Lester wrote them, let me know and I’ll try and improve them.